- Body Treatments
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- Ultrasound Cavitation
Ultrasound Cavitation
Cavitation uses ultrasound to penetrate deep into the target area, this ultrasound technique has the effect of creating bubbles in the liquid surrounding the fat cells, and whilst all other tissues remain unaffected, the small bubbles place pressure on the delicate wall of the fat cells. This pressure disrupts the fat cell wall, allowing the fatty acids to flow out into the body and be used as a source of energy (metabolized). The result is targeted weight loss. The cavitation process can also allow for the gentle manipulation of the positioning of fat cells, thus enabling smoothing of cellulite alongside the ability to create lifting of both the buttocks and breast area. There’s no bruising or tenderness, only occasional redness due to the heat created whilst massaging the cavitation head over the skin. Generally recommended minimum of 10-12 cavitation sessions for best rezults, alongside regular exercise and a healthy balanced diet.
During your treatment a cavitation head is used to massage over the target area, and intermittently during the treatment you will hear an internal high pitched noise as the ultrasound passes over bone. Ultrasound is often combined with radio frequency in a session to further tighten and smoothen skin. There is no pain or discomfort during this treatment.